Alexandrium monilatum

Fig. 2. Line drawing. Ventral pore depicted for Florida specimens at anterior margin of 1' plate where it comes in contact with both 2' and 4' plates. Cingulum wide, descending and displaced one time its width. APC=apical pore complex; C=cingulum; VP=ventral pore.


Fig. 3. Line drawing. Po does not come in contact with 1' plate. aap large, round and dorsally situated in the APC. Foramen comma-shaped. aap=anterior attachment pore; s.a.=apical sulcal plate.


Fig. 4. Line drawing. Antapical view (hypotheca). s.p. large, rhomboid and concave with radial markings. pap large and centrally located. pap=posterior attachment pore; s.p.=posterior sulcal plate.


Fig. 5. LM. Sexual reproduction. Two isogamous gametes fusing: cingula at oblique angles.


Fig. 6. LM. Mature resting cyst: dark and round, with triple layered wall.


Fig. 7. LM. Mature resting cyst.