Fig. 2. SEM. Epitheca: dorsal view. Well developed apical spine and cingular lists. C=cingulum.
Fig. 3. SEM. Hypotheca: oblique ventral view. Two well developed antapical spines.
Fig. 4. SEM. Apical pore complex at tip of apical horn: plates Po and cp with apical pore. APC=apical pore complex; AP=apical pore.
Fig. 5. SEM. Apical pore complex: apical view.
Fig. 6. SEM. Epitheca: dorsal apical view. Well developed sutures and cingular lists.
Fig. 7. SEM. Dorsal view. Cell with minor morphological variations: short antapical spines.
Fig. 8. LM. Spiny cyst.
Fig. 9. Line drawing. Epitheca: apical view.
Fig. 10. Line drawing. Hypotheca: antapical view. S.p.= sulcal plate.