Fig. 2. SEM. Hypothecal view. Plate 1p very long and wide. 1p=posterior intercalary plate.
Fig. 3. SEM. Cell compressed anterio-posteriorly. Cingulum narrow with smooth edge.
Fig. 4. SEM. Smooth cell surface with round pores; pores house 2 small openings (arrow).
Fig. 5. SEM. Apical pore: long narrow slit-like opening with array of small pores at edges (arrowheads), and Po.
Fig. 6. SEM. Apical pore complex: apical pore and Po.
Fig. 7. SEM. Ventral view. Vp within cingulum with Vo. Adjacent is conspicuous Rp (asterisk). Rp=ridged plate; Vo=ventral opening; Vp=valve plate.
Fig. 8. SEM. Lateral hypothecal view: Rp (asterisk) adjacent to plates 1'''' and 2''''.
Fig. 9. LM. Lateral view: hypotheca.
Fig. 10. LM. Hypothecal plates: Calcofluor white used.
Fig. 11. LM. Same cell as Fig. 10; close-up of hypothecal apical area.