Fig. 2. LM. Plate designation. Calcofluor white used.
Fig. 3. LM. Apical view. APC triangular and narrows ventrally. Po houses a wide comma-shaped foramen. 1' plate large, wide and bears a small round vp. APC=apical pore complex; Po=apical pore plate; vp=ventral pore.
Fig. 4. Line drawing. Large 1' plate. Cingulum deeply escavated and displaced one time its width. Sulcus widens posteriorly; sulcal lists project antapically (arrows). C=cingulum.
Fig. 5. Line drawing. 1' plate in direct contact with Po. Po wide and oval with large central comma-shaped foramen surrounded by a number of small marginal pores. Adjacent is a large and round anterior attachment pore. aap=anterior attachment pore; s.a.=anterior sulcal plate.