Genus Coolia

Genus Coolia Meunier, 1919

Cells armoured. Cells small, slightly compressed anterio-posteriorly and oval in ventral view. Apex displaced dorsally and to the left. Axes off-center, nearly oblique; descending cingulum. Distinctive Po: long and narrow and recessed; diagnostic feature. Ventral pore (Vp) present between 1' and 7'' plates. Plate formula: Po, 3', 6', 6c, > 6s, 5''', 1p, 2''''. Chloroplasts present. Toxic species.

Temperate to tropical neritic species; planktonic, benthic and epiphytic species.

Species included from this genus:

Coolia monotis Meunier, 1919
Coolia tropicalis Faust, 1995